things i’ve liked this week, vol. 3
2024-12-23 12:02
here are some things, new (to me), that i liked this week. it’s been more than a week but i have many things overdue (such as my library books – whoops!)
honestly i didn’t listen to much “new” music so if you’re looking for that this week, my apologies.
SPELLLING and the mystery school
this is cheating since i discovered this artist and this album a year ago but it’s superbly good, wintry art pop. this is a remix album of her previous songs, but don’t let that discourage you. remixing is good.
weyes blood - rough trade sessions
this is also cheating because i have had an EP in my possession since 2019 but never actually listened to it until yesterday? in it she performs live songs from her incredible 2019 album titanic rising, possibly the dreamiest pop album of the 2010s, and dare i say a prophetic one. this is actually me telling you to listen to weyes blood, like right now. do it now!!!
my lesbian novel by renee gladman
an experimental novel (as are all of gladman’s). it blends two narratives: a lesbian meet-cute and queer awakening, as well as an extensive interview talking about the numerous calculations and meditations on romance, memory, love stories (and the emotional nature of conventional ones–both straight and queer), and prose. i read it voraciously in a matter of days.1
i’ve been editing this blog with kate this entire time because i’ve been too lazy to install vs code (and don’t want to install something like obsidian) and you know what? i like it. it’s not without its bugs and it has some weird kde anachronisms (for example, to invoke the fuzzy command searcher you have to use ctrl+alt+i
; there is a separate fuzzy file searcher you invoke with ctrl+alt+o
. these can be customized probably.) but it runs fast, has lsp support, and most importantly is a native application that integrates so snugly into my desktop… i like it!
this is not one of my overdue library books. ↩